Jim Keras Subaru Hacks Cross

Oct 13, 2023

If there’s one thing we can all agree on, it’s that your Subaru is more than just another car. They’re our companions, whether we’re taking on a rugged mountain trail, cruising along a sandy beach, or just navigating the daily grind of city traffic. But even the most reliable car needs maintenance, and our tires are literally where the rubber meets the road. If your tires are getting worn, it may be time for some new tires from the Subaru dealership.

How Can You Tell Your Tires Are Wearing Out?

Your car’s rugged rubber tires can take a beating, but over time they will gradually wear out. Unless you check your tires frequently for signs of trouble or wear, there’s a chance they may already need to be replaced. Ready to take a peek at your tires? Here are some warning signs that they may be wearing out.

The Penny Test

This classic trick is as useful as it is simple. Grab a penny and place it headfirst into the tread of your tire. If you can see all of Honest Abe’s head, it’s a sign that your tread is below 2/32 of an inch, and it’s high time for a change.

Tread Wear Indicator Bars

Many modern tires have these little flattened bars between the treads. If they’re flush with the tire’s tread, that’s your tire’s not-so-subtle way of saying, “Time for an upgrade!”

Cracks, Bulges, and Blisters

If the surface of your tire looks more like the face of the moon with its craters and bumps, it’s a clear sign that your tire’s exterior is weakening.

Too Many Vibrations

It’s normal for roads to be a bit bumpy. However, if you notice excessive vibration when driving, especially on smooth roads, it could indicate an issue with your tires,

Don’t Forget Age

Like that cheese sitting at the back of your fridge, tires also have an expiration date. Even if they look fine on the outside, rubber degrades over time. Most experts recommend replacing your tires every six years or so, regardless of appearance.

Grab Some New Tires From Your Subaru Dealership

The folks at the dealership know your car inside and out and are able to suggest the perfect tires tailored to your specific model. Getting your tires at the dealership means that they’ll be properly installed, balanced, and aligned, letting you get back on the road with a meticulous fit for smooth and safe driving.

Next time you’re out adventuring with your Subaru, take a moment to check on those trusty tires. If it’s time for your tires to be replaced, visit Jim Keras Subaru Hacks Cross for the professional service you need.